How to play

Game supports mouse and touch.
There are few types of actions to try while solving the puzzle:
- Drag and drop object
- Shake object over another
- Click object


Greyland Games is an e-learning company that creates vocational language games designed to help foreigners learn a new language and find work in their field. In our latest Halloween-themed mini-game, players are tasked with carving a pumpkin by following instructions in a foreign language. With no translations or hints to rely on, players must fully engage their minds to complete the tasks. This hands-on approach offers a fun and immersive way to build language skills. True to our motto, "Play to Learn," the experience is not only enjoyable but also equips players with practical skills they'll take with them.

Meet the Team

Katerina Crawford is the Founder & CEO of Greyland Games and the captain of our ship.
Aki Kurvinen, our Game Developer, is the puppeteer behind the scenes, ensuring smooth gameplay.
Bianca Jalonen, our Graphic Designer & Game Artist, weaves the visual world that players experience.
Nicole "Nicky" Tarimo, our Marketing Intern, contributed the Swahili language version and voice-over for this game.

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